Seasonal Allergies Special – Almost 50% Off
5 Acupuncture Sessions for $250 ($480 value)
Offer Expires 5/31/2015
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, spring can be a difficult time for you:
Runny Nose, Watery Eyes, Scratchy Throat, Headache,Sneezing,Coughing,
Sinus Pain and Pressure…
Good news!!! I can help!!!
Just five acupuncture sessions- Many feel improvement after just one treatment!!!
Testimonial from Anne – Treated in 2014
“I am a 44 year old mother of two who has suffered from seasonal allergies for 19 years. My seasonal allergies started while I was pregnant with my first child and had become progressively worse over the years. I am allergic to a variety of trees, grass and ragweed. My allergy season starts at the end of March and goes straight through to November. About 10 years ago I was told by an Allergist that I was close to needing allergy shots to avoid further health complications. Last year’s (2013) allergy season was my worst and I feared that I would have to start going for allergy shots, because I started to experience shortness of breath and chest pains.
On the advice of an associate I scheduled an appointment with Shlomo Lang for acupuncture treatment of seasonal allergies. The process was very simple and relaxing. It was not at all what I expected from acupuncture. I started to experience positive results within a day or two of my first treatment. I no longer wake up with a sore throat and sinus pain. My husband informed me that I am no longer snoring.
I feel that I am getting a more restful night sleep. Best of all I can enjoy gardening without paying the price of watery eyes and a runny nose. And I cannot believe the newscasters when they are reporting that the 2014 allergy season is worse than last years.”
It’s best to start before symptoms appear! – Call now (914) 924-2382
5 Acupuncture Sessions for $250 ($480 value)
Offer Expires 5/31/2015
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, spring can be a difficult time for you:
Runny Nose, Watery Eyes, Scratchy Throat, Headache,Sneezing,Coughing,
Sinus Pain and Pressure…
Good news!!! I can help!!!
Just five acupuncture sessions- Many feel improvement after just one treatment!!!
Testimonial from Anne – Treated in 2014
“I am a 44 year old mother of two who has suffered from seasonal allergies for 19 years. My seasonal allergies started while I was pregnant with my first child and had become progressively worse over the years. I am allergic to a variety of trees, grass and ragweed. My allergy season starts at the end of March and goes straight through to November. About 10 years ago I was told by an Allergist that I was close to needing allergy shots to avoid further health complications. Last year’s (2013) allergy season was my worst and I feared that I would have to start going for allergy shots, because I started to experience shortness of breath and chest pains.
On the advice of an associate I scheduled an appointment with Shlomo Lang for acupuncture treatment of seasonal allergies. The process was very simple and relaxing. It was not at all what I expected from acupuncture. I started to experience positive results within a day or two of my first treatment. I no longer wake up with a sore throat and sinus pain. My husband informed me that I am no longer snoring.
I feel that I am getting a more restful night sleep. Best of all I can enjoy gardening without paying the price of watery eyes and a runny nose. And I cannot believe the newscasters when they are reporting that the 2014 allergy season is worse than last years.”
It’s best to start before symptoms appear! – Call now (914) 924-2382